Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the main results of a critical analysis of the global trend, which is aimed at implementing an individual approach to teaching younger students. The characteristics of the features of primary education in the leading countries, whose primary school students demonstrate a high level of educational achievements in the course of international monitoring studies and occupy corresponding places (Finland and Singapore) are given. Attention is paid to the approach to selection, current forms of work and encouragement of especially gifted children in the US primary education system, which may turn out to be interesting and useful for domestic teachers. Methods of organizing the process of individually differentiated education of primary school children based on proven experience of working with them are considered.

goals and objectives of primary education abroad; differentiation and individualization of training as a guarantee of its high efficiency; experience in organizing differentiated education; formation of readiness to live and work in modern conditions; mastering the skills to think critically and creatively, to communicate and collaborate successfully; focus on the ability to constantly update knowledge and skills

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