The article highlights the health issues, the problem of improving its parameters, which are directly related to the stable development of modern society. This topic is especially significant in the context of socio-economic instability, high inflation, rising prices for various goods and services, and the problems of implementing health policies. The physical potential and health status of the individual have a significant impact on the main areas of society, types of social and personal communications, are a source of using the appropriate channels for self-realization, preserving environmental safety. The health of employees is deteriorating under the influence of a number of factors: environmental pollution, poverty, quality of food, smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Changes in society draw the attention of government bodies to public health problems and contribute to more productive and thorough work with labor resources. By "professional health" the authors of the article mean a complex of psychophysiological and psychosocial individual qualities of workers that meet working conditions and ensure high efficiency of professional activity. The state of professional health of the personnel is associated with the absence of any deformations, representing the absolute psychophysical and social well-being of a person in working conditions. Simultaneously with professional health, modern researchers pay special attention to the psychological component of workers' health. Aspects such as constant overstrain, nervous and psychophysical overloads are of great interest to specialists in this field. Among the main causes of industrial accidents, overworking of workers is in the first place. The energy expenditure of workers in carrying out production tasks must be compatible with well-being. The health of the personnel is an economic value, since the efficiency and quality of labor activity of the entire enterprise depend on the efficiency, labor potential, involvement of employees in the labor process as a whole.
professional health, personnel, professional environment, health maintenance, labor potential, efficiency, personnel management, human resources
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