Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of " active digital footprint", "passive digital footprint" and "digital shadow" of a person and organization, as well as their components and interconnection. In the essay, the authors substantiated the importance of a conscious approach to the formation of a digital footprint of an organization and its employees. It also describes how an employee’s digital footprint affects a company's digital footprint and it’s brand. We mentioned organizations that create or track the digital footprint of other organizations and described the principles of their actions. We gave recommendations that are aimed at creating a positive digital footprint of educational organizations through the management of the digital footprint of employees. The recommendations were developed based on the analysis of the digital footprint and digital shadow of the State University of Management, which is actively working on its image.
organization brand, internet, information, digital shadow, digital footprint
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