Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, the emergence and development of technologies, including in personnel management, is happening at an exponential speed. The use of modern HR trends and technologies allows organizations to meet the requirements of the time. Despite a significant number of studies of trends in HR and related forecasts, this information requires generalization, structuring and visual presentation. Presented in the article «Map of HR trends and technologies» gives an idea of the development directions of existing and future HR trends and technologies for the period 2020-2040. The developed map presents the development path of the role of an HR specialist, as well as trends in the main areas of HR activity: personnel management, personnel development, recruitment, HR branding, working environment. The map defines three time periods corresponding to the development horizons - near, middle and far. The practical value of using the developed HR trend map lies in its usability, logic and structure of the presented information, as well as the content of a large number of the most relevant HR areas in modern organizations.

HR trends, global trends, trends, HR management, HR trends map

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