Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of identifying the main problem areas of modern dis-tance learning, as well as defining further directions for the development of the educational sphere. The article analyzes the data obtained in the course of practical research in the form of an online survey from November 2020 to March 2021. The research participants are both university students and working specialists from various areas of commercial and non-commercial activities. A special focus is on studying the difficulties that students of distance education courses and programs face: technical support, maintaining a high level of motivation, problems with the per-ception of information and external distractions. At the same time, in general, the study partici-pants highly rated their level of satisfaction from passing online training, the quality of teaching and illustrative material, the convenience of digital educational platforms and specialized appli-cations. The article considers the concept of blended learning or "Blended Learning" as one of the possible directions for the development of the educational sphere, provides a definition and data and the degree of awareness and involvement in this educational process. This approach al-lows you to effectively combine all the advantages of traditional full-time educational methods and modern digital technologies, distance learning opportunities.

distance learning, blended learning, human resource management

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