Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The education system is a key element in the progress or degradation of the country's population and economy. Formed in the present education system of Russia according to the Bologna models and the patterns aimed at stupefying the total population, a sharp decline of scientific progress in social production and increased dependence on foreign manufacturers and managers of the domestic financial and resource wealth. The way out of this deadlock circle of problems is in the revival of the advanced positions of the former soviet education system on a qualitatively new scientific basis, theory and system-holistic methodology, providing a full knowledge of the phenomena of nature and society in conditions of certainty. Existing methodologies of partial cognition in conditions of high degree of uncertainty and subjectivity of representation are based on outdated and inadequate theories. System-holistic interdisciplinary methodology is characterized by a set of necessary and sufficient for objective and complete knowledge of the conceptual tools that allow you to accurately, fully and adequately understand the socio-economic processes, to lead the knowledge immediately from the general to the specific, thereby reducing the multiple time and resources for the process of knowledge. It is based on a qualitatively new scientific basis, objective theory, uses objective units of dimensions of physical quantities (kWh and the like), takes into account in the knowledge and management of the action of an expanded set of universal and socio-economic laws of human development-society in nature. A deeper analysis of the set of laws allowed us to identify the main goal of human development-society and the main socio-economic forms of manifestation of the laws: useful costs-results, useless, harmful, loss of cost-results in the structure of the budget of social time. There are no other socio-economic forms of human activity. Therefore, the main goal of human development-society in nature is to increase the share of useful and reduce the share of useless, harmful, loss of cost-results in the structure of the budget of social time. This is the basis for the preservation of civilization on Earth. The technique, technology, organization, education system used serve only as forms of manifestation of life that contribute to or hinder the progress of mankind. The implementation of the Second industrialization of Russia is aimed at a radical solution to the ever-increasing complex of internal and external problems in modern conditions. A key element of the successful implementation of this large-scale strategic program is the immediate introduction of a fundamentally new education system that ensures high rates of economic growth and well-being of the entire population of Russia.
the education system and its focus-progressive and dead-end; Bologna model of the education system; system-holistic interdisciplinary methodology; algorithm of knowledge from the particular to the General and from the General to the specific; reduced algorithm of knowledge – from the knowledge of the essence of the General to the adequate specific, as part of the whole
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