Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the current socio-economic conditions in Russia, there are tendencies for an increase in the number of foreign migrants arriving in the country for different purposes, for example, work and education. In the process of finding a job, migrants face various kinds of problems. Relying on the work of Russian scientists, theorists and practitioners, as well as statistics, the relevance, novelty and significance of the study of the problems of managing the employment of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation are substantiated. The article presents a description and results of an empirical study of problems in the field of management of employment of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation. The features of the management of the employment of migrants in the territory of the Russian Federation are revealed. The significance of the study of the problems of managing the employment of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation was determined, which made it possible to identify: the negative consequences of the influence of the problems in the sphere of managing the employment of labor and educational migrants on the Russian economic situation and the labor market; the positive consequences of solving the problems of managing the employment of labor and educational migrants and their productive impact on the Russian economic situation and the labor market. The result of the study is to identify vectors for solving the problems of managing the employment of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation. The importance of studying the problems of employment management of labor and educational migrants is of practical interest, since it allows, on the basis of personnel management, to successfully implement this process in the conditions of the Russian economy. The information obtained will contribute to the development of employment and professional career management programs, taking into account the specifics of the problems of labor and educational migrants.

personnel management, migrant employment management, migration, labor migration, study migration

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