Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the content of the concept of "human resource management". The prerequisites for the emergence of a new model of personnel management are revealed. Approaches to determining the content of personnel management are proposed: traditional, resource and evolutionary. A review of foreign and domestic literature has shown that the development of human resource management in HR management is associated with such indicators as greening and sustainability, which have determined the emergence of new areas as "green" practices in HRM. The competence - based approach to personnel management has increased the innovative activity of organizations. Evolutionary HR management has defined a set of new competencies for HR professionals, such as the ability to work with a large array of information; the ability to use network resources and change the digital environment in management; focus on the organization's HR policy, and others. There is a need for specialists who are able to translate the current activities of the organization into business processes, are able to automate management and increase labor productivity, and are able to optimize personnel costs. It also provides an analysis of salaries in terms of employers ' requirements for "new" HR managers.

human resources, human resource management, HR management, HR Manager, competencies

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