Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper examines the essence and trends of digital transformation currently observed in the corporate training system of companies. The authors note that at the moment, employee training should be less labor-intensive, preferably mobile and implemented in small parts, but at the same time remain effective and relevant to the current job responsibilities of a particular employee. The article provides convincing evidence that the digital transformation of the corporate employee training system is the answer to these modern requirements and helps employees improve their professional knowledge and skills without hindering business continuity and reducing productivity. As the main trends in the transformation of the corporate training system, the authors identify such as: changing the roles of training specialists, the transition to mobile platforms and micro-training, the widespread use of technologies based on the use of artificial intelligence in training. Considerable attention is paid to the stages of development of the corporate training system.

personnel training, corporate training system, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, knowledge, skills

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