A brief historical excursion into the graphics of geometry of multidimensional spaces at the paper beginning clarifies the problem – the necessary to reduce the number of geometric actions performed when depicting multidimensional objects. The problem solution is based on the properties of geometric figures called N- simplexes, whose number of vertices is equal to N + 1, where N expresses their dimensionality. The barycenter (centroid) of the N-simplex is located at the point that divides the straight-line segment connecting the centroid of the (N–1)-simplex contained in it with the opposite vertex by 1: N. This property is preserved in the parallel projection (axonometry) of the simplex on the drawing plane, that allows the solution of the problem of determining the centroid of the simplex in its axonometry to be assigned to a mechanism which is a special Assembly of pantographs (the author's invention) with similarity coefficients 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4,...1:N. Next, it is established, that the spatial location of a point in N-dimensional space coincides with the centroid of the simplex, whose vertices are located on the point’s N-fold (barycentric) coordinates. In axonometry, the ends of both first pantograph’s links and the ends of only long links of the remaining ones are inserted into points indicating the projections of its barycentric coordinates and the mechanism node, which serves as a determinator, graphically marks the axonometric location of the point defined by its coordinates along the axes х1, х2, х3 … хN.. The translational movement of the support rods independently of each other can approximate or remote the barycentric coordinates of a point relative to the origin of coordinates, thereby assigning the corresponding axonometric places to the simplex barycenter, which changes its shape in accordance with its points’ occupied places in the coordinate axes. This is an axonograph of N-dimensional space, controlled by a numerical program. The last position indicates the possibility for using the equations of multidimensional spaces’ geometric objects given in the corresponding literature for automatic drawing when compiling such programs.
simplexes, barycenter (centroid), pantograph, centroidograph of simplex, N-dimensional space, coordinate parallelepiped, baricentric coordinates, supports, axonograph of multidimensional space
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