Mytischi, Moscow, Russian Federation
Mytischi, Moscow, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2014 until now
Lyubercy, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article presents a structural hydraulic diagram of the steering system of the developed forwarder. The main components that make up the steering of the machine are described. The scheme of the articulated joint was selected and the radius and the corridor of the forwarder's turn were determined. In the work, a kinematic analysis of the articulated joint of the forwarder was carried out, which is the determination of the limiting angles of folding of the articulation unit and the stroke of the hydraulic power cylinders according to the developed electronic solid models. The moment of resistance required to fold the car of full weight in place on a solid supporting surface with a high coefficient of adhesion, taking into account the interaction of tires with the supporting surface, was determined using the semi-empirical model of Packa MF-Tire 6.1. Model parameters for tire 750/55-26.5. A dynamic model of a forwarder has been created with the following features: all links of the dynamic system are absolutely rigid; all wheels are not braked and rotate; there is no friction in the hinges; the load (assortments) is modeled absolutely rigid by a single body; the simulation was done for a fully laden forwarder; axle differentials are not locked (free). The vertical loads in the contact patch of the front and rear axles, as well as lateral reactions in the contact patch of the front and rear axles are presented
soil cutting, soil environment; working body; spherical disk, modeling, finite element method, spherical particle
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