Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The increasing competition in world markets, the development of high-tech industries based on the latest scientific achievements entail additional innovations to maintain a competitive level of goods, works and services, and to accelerate scientific and technological progress. To achieve results and economic growth in the context of sanctions, the state and large companies need to form new principles of personnel management and systematically stimulate scientific activity. The authors have proposed criteria for evaluating the results of scientific activities in order to stimulate the efforts of scientists financially by setting a premium for their scientific degree. Unlike university professors, scientists in industry do not receive guaranteed allowance. The mechanism of formation of the allowance is based on the fulfillment of a set of criteria and has not only a stimulating function, but also a strategic one - increasing the publication activity of employees and creating an innovative image of the organization through the accumulation of scientific potential. The mechanism is especially relevant for innovative enterprises of high-tech industries in Russia.

criteria for evaluating of scientific and intellectual activity, science, evaluating the results of the work of scientists, premiums for academic degrees, financial incentives for scientists

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