Russian Federation
A cognitive-rhetorical approach to the study of persuasive techniques and means in texts of contract military service advertising is represented in the article. The article demonstrates that social advertising is a necessary form of army institutional discourse and is in search of means of persuasion, with the help of which it is possible to attract more people who want to join the ranks of the armed forces. The addressee of the advertising message becomes the most important component of the situation, while the code becomes the text focused on satisfying presuppositions, intentional expectations of the addressee. The connection of cognitive and rhetorical aspects allows us to demonstrate the possibility of the influence of the used language tools on the addressee in order to create opinions and preferences among the target audience groups that, in turn, contributes to the formation of a stable reputation of the institute in the public mind.
social advertising; persuasion; addressee factor; cognitive aspect; rhetorical aspect
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