Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
In this paper are considered historically the first (the 60’s of the 20th century) computational methods for algebraic cubic curves constructing. The analysis of a general cubic curve equation r(t)=a3t3+a2t2+a1t+a0 has been carried out. As an example has been considered the simplest cubic curve r(t)=it3+jt2+kt. Based on the general cubic curve equation have been obtained equations of a cubic curve passing through two predetermined points and having predetermined tangents at these points. The equations have been presented both in Ferguson and Bézier forms. It has been shown that the cubic curve vector equation (for example, the standard equation of a Bezier curve) can be represented in a point form. Have been considered examples for constructing segments of cubic curves meeting the given boundary conditions. The generalized cubic curve equation, containing weight coefficients, has been obtained by the method of exit into four-dimensional space. Has been considered a vector parametric equation of a conical section, passing through two given points and touching predetermined straight lines at these points. The conical section is considered as a special case of a cubic curve. Curvature can be specified as an additional boundary condition. Has been considered the possibility for constructing a cubic curve with fixed positions of contacting planes at end points and given radii of curvature. Has been proposed an algorithm for constructing a plane cubic curve with a given curvature at the end points. Have been considered algorithms for constructing smooth compound Ferguson-Bezier curves. Smoothness conditions are imposed on a compound curve: 1) at any of its points, the curve must have a tangent (no fractures are allowed), 2) the curvature vector must be changed continuously from point to point (no discontinuous jump in the curvature vector is allowed neither in modulus no in direction). Have been proposed examples for constructing compound Ferguson-Bézier curves. Has been performed comparison of polynomial cubic spline with compound parametrically defined curves. Have been given examples for constructing cubic splines with fastened and free ends. The paper is for educational purposes, and intended for in-depth study of computer graphics basics.
Ferguson curve, Bezier curve, compound curve, smoothness, curvature, cubic spline
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