Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the need to assess, control and coordinate the processes of personnel involvement in business and public administration: provides analytical data, describes aspects that indicate the relationship between the level of involvement and the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team, focuses on the problems and difficulties that arise in the process of implementing mechanisms to increase staff involvement in government organizations, recommendations are given for their settlement. The involvement of personnel in the activities of the organization is a category more complex and deeper than the motivation of employees, interest in work. Assessing the involvement of staff, the leaders of large commercial structures identify the "weak links" of a single organizational system, to build and, most importantly, to preserve which is a priority in the competition for leadership at the present stage of economic development. The public administration sphere, the distinguishing feature of which is strict regulation of corporate norms and legal relations of work process participants operating within a limited range of official powers, requires a special approach in terms of staff involvement: the relevance and novelty of the problem of applying engagement management mechanisms in government organizations, the lack of competency the selected tools of its assessment provide an opportunity to explore this issue in the framework of identify, study and compare new ways to optimize managerial functions.

involvement, management, personnel, assessment, labor potential, organization, increase of efficiency, business, public administration

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