Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the problems associated with youth employment under the current conditions of the formation of the labor market. This topic is relevant, since young people are a huge resource of any country and their problems must be solved first, and sometimes they do not pay due attention. In the course of the work, several definitions are presented and the necessary definition is derived for understanding youth as a social group in the labor market. Data are also presented that prove the existence of these problems. A special form of mobbing is considered - “office bullying” - the humiliation of young new employees. Reasons for mobbing are revealed. The typical goal of the mobbing initiators is defined - to increase their informal status by humiliating others. A typical reason for the humiliation of young new workers can also be due to established traditions based on stereotypes and an involuntary attempt by employees to maintain their status by humiliating new workers.

hazing, mobbing, employee rights, discrimination

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