Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The entry of the world community into the age of informatization has led to changes in the quality characteristics of personnel, manifested in the widespread use of knowledge, which today have become a direct productive force aimed at the formation of intellectual resources. The paper considers issues of managing intellectual resources, provides a rationale for the concept of intellectual resources of an enterprise, considers the principles of their formation, specificity of intellectual resources in the economic system, the main tasks of enterprises management with intelligent resource management, the role of HR services in the formation of intellectual resources, as well as new requirements for personnel management, put forward the knowledge economy. The experience of formation and use of intellectual resources of PJSC "Gazprom" and PJSC "Power Machines" on the basis of popularization of knowledge is considered.
information technology, enterprise intellectual resources, mechanism for managing intellectual resources, principles of formation of enterprise intellectual resources, knowledge, knowledge economy, intellectual capital management, training programs, concept of intellectual resources management strategy, human resources
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