Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Business transformation requires changes in management business models and types of thinking culture. Human resources play a special role in these processes. The article analyzes the transition of PAO Sberbank, Russia's leading financial institution, to a trimodal organization and the corresponding types of thinking culture - run, change and disrupt. The study of the compliance of the personnel development system with the specifics of a tri-modal organization, conducted using the author's structured interview, showed their imbalance. The authors offer recommendations for the development of the types of culture of thinking change and disrupt, which are most conducive to effective business transformation in accordance with the organization's strategy. The novelty of the study is the first attempt to explore the types of culture of thinking three-modal organization, the practical importance - to develop a specific program for their development.
business transformation, human resource management, trimodal organization, types of thinking culture
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