Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses the problems of the formation of integrated systems for personnel development in the context of modern criteria for the competitiveness of a company (team) in the market, which determine the requirements for the level of competence of employees. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the existing range of various combinations of traditional forms and the most modern technologies, innovative tools for training and stimulating personnel in most cases does not provide a significant increase in companies’ personnel potential and does not create the opportunity for necessary organizational changes. The authors suggest using an interdisciplinary approach in the design of the personnel development system, which is based on a synthesis of scenarios of the company’s situational management and a personalized approach based on ethics and value priorities of the person, taking into account their psychological age. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the 5D-methodology proposed by the authors - a competency management model, which is a multidimensional matrix of individual pathways of motivation development, as well as flexible and solid skills of employees, which represents a certain way of “growing up”: from personal to organizational. The practical value of the methodology proposed by the authors lies in the ability to ensure the growth of personnel competitiveness and the effectiveness of the company (team) as a whole, by integrating the laws of evolutionary development into the practice of human resource management on the basis of the principles of environmental leadership and targeted management impact.

personnel development methodology and practices, competency and motivation management, green leadership, evolution of thinking, ethics, psychological age, personalized approach and individual development pathway

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