Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Well-being management of employees, which is gaining momentum, is a trend in Russian companies, is not new for the world market. HR–industry, faced with new and unexpected challenges, is in constant search of relevant approaches to attracting, revealing and retaining talents. The tasks of improving HR and business indicators, among which labor productivity, product and service quality, profitability, are especially relevant in times of increasing competition of business models. Automation and digital technologies free people from routine work, directing their potential to solving intellectual problems – on the one hand, they cause stress and deprive human attention – on the other. It is attention to the person, feedback and trust communication that are key factors in increasing engagement. It is proved that a prosperous person is more involved and productive, less tired and sick – the company bears lower costs and gets better results. According to the Gallup version, there are five elements of human well-being-career, social and financial; social inclusion and physical well-being should be closely monitored by company management. Based on benchmarking, the project team presented the results of Well-Being research as a new vector in HR management to understand the features of the concept and formulate programs to improve the well-being of employees in a group of companies (the customer). In the absence of a wide representation of domestic studies and company practices in the field of Well-Being, the authors relied on foreign studies to help employees comprehensively study and shape the best employee experience and organizational support programs for well-being. Over the past decade, the stress associated with work has an increasingly negative impact on the person and his production activities, which led to the article development of the HR-Tech market. The cluster of providers of well-being with a personal position and organizational support is actively developing.
well-being, employee well-being, 5 elements of well-being, well-being index, labor productivity
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