Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to analysis of the compliance level of digital literacy of the modern state of development of digital technologies and promising trends in the global and domestic labour market. The relevance of the chosen problem is explained by the fact that the achieved level of digital literacy of the population does not always correspond to the level of development of modern information and communication technologies. This situation generates serious conflicts in the system of relations "man-digital technology", reducing the overall productivity and efficiency of modern technologies. The article provides a meaningful analysis of the current state and existing problems in achieving the required level of digital literacy by employees of domestic and foreign companies. On the basis of the results obtained, the main reasons that influenced the current state of Affairs were determined. New trends of the labor market, formed as a response to the increasingly active penetration of the digital economy in the socio-economic sphere of society, are noted. The main problems in the educational sphere that negatively affect the insufficient level of digital literacy of the country's population are identified.
training, personnel, capacity, labor market, digital literacy, digital technologies
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