Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The purpose of this article is to develop a multifactorial model of development and preservation of life force, which is a component for increasing an intellectual resource and allows a person to reach certain heights in various fields of activity: sports, science, business, politics, management, or some other. Research objectives: to perform an analysis of achievements above the average level of a particular person in sports and identify the causes and factors of his success; to analyze the phenomenal success in art and identify ways and means to achieve it; show the role of integration of instinct and intuition in the timely adoption of complex decisions; to reveal the role of a busy pace and a huge amount of work for people with a high level of life force life force; to establish a connection between the level of education and the achievement of heights in life by a specific person; to investigate the dependence of life expectancy and preservation of life force, not only on genetics, but also on other factors. Research results: a multi-factor model of the development of life force was developed, including a number of components: natural data, nutrition, education, training, long-term performance, a busy pace and a huge amount of work, recovery, timely adoption of complex decisions, integration of instinct and intuition. At the stage of preserving life force, factors such as lifestyle and the need for lifelong learning are included in this model.
model of development and preservation of life force, intuition, instinct, education, natural data, lifestyle, intellectual resource
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