In this paper the influence of objects’ thermal processes on their correspondence to a given geometry has been considered, and an alternative apparatus for geometric modeling of bodies’ temperature stress and thermal expansion after effect of a heat source, based on a functional-voxel approach, has been proposed as well. A discrete geometric model of temperature stress at a point of thermal loading in an isotropic heat-conducting body for a functional-voxel representation has been developed, allowing simulate a single action of a heat source to obtain local geometric characteristics of thermal stress in the body. This approach, unlike traditional approaches based on the FEM, allows apply the temperature load at the object’s point taken by itself. A discrete geometric model for expansion at the point of thermal loading in an isotropic heat-conducting body for a functional-voxel representation has been developed, which allows simulate the change of an object’s local geometric characteristics during the process of material expansion from a single effect of a heat source to obtain a value upon the body volume changing. This approach, unlike traditional approaches based on the FEM, allows simulate a change in the body’s surface geometry from thermal expansion at a point taken by itself without errors arising from calculations using a mesh. Have been proposed algorithms for functional-voxel modeling of temperature stress and expansion under distributed thermal loading. These algorithms allow construct a loading region of complex configuration based on the spatial distribution and scaling of the temperature stress’s geometric model for a single point of thermal loading, uniformly form a contour (surface) after material expansion, and obtain information about the change in products’ length (volume) based on information about each point of functional space. Has been presented an example of using the proposed approach for solving a processing tool’s correction problem based on the temperature in the cutting zone and material thermal reaction. The geometric model can be used to the automated design of a processing tool path for parts cutting on CNC machines.
discrete geometric model, finite element method (FEM), functional voxel method (FVM), temperature stress, thermal expansion, tool path correction
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