Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The aim of the study is to analyze the mechanism for managing the social development of Russian organizations. The article discusses the historical aspects of social processes, priority areas of the concept of the formation of a new social policy, the goals of modern social programs. A visual mechanism for managing social development is given, recommendations are formulated to ensure its eff ective operation. The domestic methodology for calculating social indicators based on compiling social passports in the context of humanization of labor and social infrastructure is considered. The typical organizational structures of the personnel management system of Western and Russian organizations are analyzed, distinguishing characteristics are noted. In practice, the traditional tool for implementing the mechanism of managing social development is a set of social benefi ts, in connection with which the article provides an analysis of the components of the social package. The characteristic of social, moral, creative incentives, options for intangible incentives in modern Russian companies, methods and specifi c measures of intangible incentives are given.
social development, personnel, organization, management
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