Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the organization’s environment as a set of factors aff ecting the implementation of talent management in a modern organization. Objective: to study the organizational environment and identify the key factors for the eff ective using of the potential of talented workers in modern conditions. The basis of the practical part of the work is the study of the employees of the leading enterprise in the Ural Federal District of the glass processing company Evroglass-Techno LLC. This study showed the importance and specifi city of a favorable organizational environment in terms of attracting, identifying, retaining and developing talented employees. A comparative analysis of the theoretical model of a favorable organizational environment for the release of “talents” and the practical realization of its characteristics in the chosen organization demonstrated both their similarities and their diff erences. The task of the future is to develop talent management as a system and technology of HR management in order to increase the competitiveness of companies.

talents, talent management, organizational environment, factors infl uencing talents, model and organization specifics

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