Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Komarno, Slovakia
Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of discrimination of talents in an organization from the position of reducing the potential of an organization in the competitive struggle in the market of goods and services and the labor market. In the conditions of economic instability, the leadership of various states and organizations is looking for additional opportunities to increase competitiveness. The most important of these is human potential. However, its implementation, especially among talented employees, is hampered for a number of objective and subjective reasons. Identifying the causes and identifying ways to overcome discrimination of talent is a pressing issue for both Russia and the entire world community, which was the goal of this work. Discrimination of talents is investigated for various reasons: by gender, age, national and racial characteristics, religious motives, belonging to a political party or to a social movement and other reasons. The article presents a comparative analysis of discrimination of talents of the population of the Moscow region of Russia and a number of countries of the European Union, the South Asian region, the United States based on data obtained using such methods as a questionnaire using Google Form online service, a secondary analysis of data from sociological research, focus groups, interviewing, etc. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish that there is discrimination in organizations in the Moscow region on various grounds. So says 40% of respondents. The management of organizations is doing some work, but due to insufficient training, it has not managed to achieve the elimination of talent discrimination in organizations. 76% of the respondents consider gender discrimination of talents as a fact, while women with children are worse off. Age discrimination is most acute among employees of retirement age. Their potential in the future is really considered only in 6% of cases, while young people — in 52%. Discrimination on ethnic, racial or religious grounds reaches 34%. For belonging to political parties and (or) social movement, they are constantly subjected to persecution in no more than 4% of cases. In general, the statistics obtained is correlated with foreign experience and shows that discrimination of talents is limited. However, it should be remembered that the number of talented employees is usually not large, and each of them can significantly improve the efficiency of the organization. The article suggests ways to overcome discrimination of talents. The research results can be applied in the public sector and business structures in Russia and abroad.
talent, discrimination, potential, efficiency, competitiveness
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