Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article summarizes the experience of organizing, conducting and evaluating the results of educational and teaching practice. Practice is a tool for intermediate verifi cation of students’ readiness for independent work, allows the student to assess his level in achieving certain competencies and set himself the task of working on shortcomings and further progress in the educational process. The authors of the article conducted a sociological study, the purpose of which was to monitor students’ assessment of the degree of competence development as a result of undergoing educational practice at the undergraduate and pedagogical practice in the magistracy. The results of a study conducted among students on the eff ectiveness of educational and pedagogical practices in the acquisition of competences and skills of research and teaching work are presented in the form of comparative tables and diagrams. The article analyzes the problems faced by students during practical training. Such monitoring allowed to reveal the bottlenecks of the organization of the practice, the directions of the methodical support of students, to improve the tasks for the practice.

monitoring, higher education, general cultural competence, professional competence, educational practice, pedagogical practice, bachelor degree, magistracy, sociological research, economic education.

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