Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
The article deals with issues related to the change in the situation on the labor market in connection with the new pension reform. The mechanism of the impact of the conditions and standards of pensions on the state of the labor market is revealed. Special attention is paid to increasing tension in the labor market due to the increase in the retirement age. The procedure for raising the retirement age is revealed, categories of workers are identified that will not be affected by raising the retirement age or who are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension of a higher retirement age. Consideration is given to aspects related to changes in the conditions and procedure for granting unemployment benefits, including new conditions for granting benefits to persons in pre-retirement age. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the factors that determine the possibility of raising the retirement age, and the justification of measures that contribute to leveling the negative effects of the increase.
labor market, pension reform, retirement insurance, insurance experience, retirement and pre-retirement age, retirement age limits, insurance pension, social pension.
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