Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the high competitiveness of organizations, the role of labor resources is increasingly growing as one of the fundamental factors of success. The staff, as the main source for the implementation the mission, have to be promoted. A fair remuneration system affects the employee’s performance. To my mind, the best system of remuneration is based on grading. The article deals with the theoretical features of the use of the grading system in a modern organization in terms of staff motivation. The article highlightes the importance of fairness in the wage system, there are several grading systems, which are divided depending on their complexity. Moreover, the stages of the introduction of the grading system based on grading are described, practical recommendations are given for the implementation of grading in the organization. What is more, the modern method of approving grades based on official grades is considered.

grading, motivation, remuneration, grading rules, reward, personnel managment, practical recommendations for grading implementation, modern experience in grading implementation.

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