Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At present, the problem field of training the production personnel at the enterprises of the energy complex is that the training of production personnel at the enterprises of the power complex is made using pre-compiled scenarios, using communication means, with the conditional actions of the controller on the mimic diagram. This leads to inevitable undesirable consequences (up to accidents at work). The article presents the project of training of production personnel at the enterprises of the power complex using the teacher-simulator. The article presents the possibilities of the Teacher-simulator (which gives the use of this simulator-simulator and from which it relieves). In our study, the risks and opportunities of the stakeholders of the “Teacher-simulator” project are considered, the contradictions that are difficult to implement the Teacher-simulator are considered. The risks of implementation of the Teacher simulator as a whole are considered. A road map for the implementation of this project is presented. The article presents the stages of implementation of the Teacher simulator project (conceptual design, technical design, implementation, complex testing, experimental production, product licensing) from the point of view of the resources required at each stage, the projected risks and the alleged minimization options by the authors.

production personnel, problems of training of production personnel at enterprises of power complex, teacher-simulator, project of training of production personnel at enterprises of power complex using teacher-simulator, stages of project implementation “Teacher simulator”, minimization of risks of project implementation “Teacher simulator”.

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