Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Using observations from the IMAGE magnetic observatories and the station for recording geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in the electric transmission line in 2015, we examine relationships between geomagnetic field and GIC variations. The GIC intensity is highly correlated (R>0.7) with the field variability |dB/dt| and closely correlated with variations in the time derivatives of X and Y components. Daily variations in the mean geomagnetic field variability |dB/dt| and GIC intensity have a wide night maximum, associated with the electrojet, and a wide morning maximum, presumably caused by intense Pc5–Pi3 geomagnetic pulsations. We have constructed a regression linear model to estimate GIC from the time derivative of the geomagnetic field and AE index. Statistical distributions of the probability density of the AE index, geomagnetic field derivative, and GIC correspond to the log-normal law. The constructed distributions are used to evaluate the probabilities of extreme values of GIC and |dB/dt|.

geomagnetic field, geomagnetic variations, geomagnetically induced currents, auroral electrojet
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