Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The publication contains answers of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Scientist N.F. Vinogradova on readers’ questions related to the peculiarities of education and training of a hyperactive first-grader. Parents of such children are given specific pedagogical advice designed to help in the formation of a growing personality, organically combining the energy of cognitive initiative, the desire for self-realization with the ability to control and restrain oneself, to reckon with others, adequately assess their own behavior and the consequences of their actions. Teachers who have difficulties in working with hyperactive children are encouraged to follow a methodical approach that allows them to correct carefully their excessive emotional reactions, excessive self-esteem, inability to concentrate, fulfill the requirements of adults, follow disciplinary norms, while helping to keep the cognitive interest, desire to learn, positive attitude towards school.

hyperactive children; problems of education and training; the position of parents; methodical recommendations to the teacher; cognitive interest; the formation of the ability to self-discipline and self-control; the ability to adequately assess their behavior and the consequences of their actions; the status of the child in the family and the school community.

Письмо Марины Олеговны — мамы первоклассника Виталика

 Уважаемая редакция! Мой сын мечтал пойти в школу, все время говорил о том, что он будет хорошо учиться, дружить с одноклассниками. Накануне первого сентября ребенок плохо спал, встал очень рано и всё поторапливал нас — боялся опоздать…

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