Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
The article treats the issue of ecological / non-ecological communication within the discourse of mass media with regard to fluctuating interrelation of the Self and the Other. The system of the interrelation of the Self and the Other represents the communicative category of alterity. It is proved that to foster the ecological mode of the verbal interaction it is essential to form an adequate image of the Other: as a constituent of any discourse it has to be adequate to the communicative situation.
linguoecology, ecological / non-ecological mode, the category of alterity, the image of the Other.
Инакость как категория, репрезентирующая взаимоотношения Я и Другого, пронизывает все сферы жизнедеятельности человека, в том числе и коммуникативную.
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