Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Workplace Health Promotion at enterprise in the market economy environment is filled with the new content. In Western countries practice it is formed under the motto “healthy people in healthy organization” and often realized through “health circles”. Being developed in Germany, they allow the employer to guarantee employees their safety, occupational health and health promotion at workplace. The article provides the analysis of health circles productivity factors received the names according to the place-name of their primary use cities at enterprises — correspondingly, Berlin and Dusseldorf. The Berlin model feature consists in the fact that in the circles, as a rule, there are workers of similar positions. In Dusseldorf model — besides the non-uniform participants from employed at enterprise in addition external experts are invited.

workplace health promotion, success factors in protection and promotion of health, health circles, the Berlin health circles model, the Dusseldorf health circles model, health circles productivity factors.

Переход от «классической» модели охраны труда к укреплению здоровья на рабочем месте. Мировой рынок труда продолжает трансформироваться вслед за новыми тенденциями, унаследованными от прошлого века и определенными новым.


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