Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to compare the classical principles of personnel management of a multifunctional team to maintain harmonious social and labor relations in the innovation process. Studies of various models show the necessity to consider the team of innovators as the most effective form of innovation activity, and the principles of Follett M. are most suitable for organizing dynamic social interaction in a team aimed at increasing the effectiveness of an innovative project. Implementation of collective responsibility for an innovative project that is carried out by a multifunctional team strengthens group interaction and promotes interpenetration and creation of new ideas. Leadership should be based not on power, but on the interaction of the leader and partners. In order to organize and develop social partnership, it is necessary to involve workers in management and replace enforcement with integration, which allows not only to strengthen joint actions, but also to resolve group conflicts.

innovation, team, social interaction, harmonization, relations, effectiveness.

Возросшая роль инновационной деятельности в обеспечении конкурентоспособности организации обусловливает проблему интенсификации инновационного процесса.


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