Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the problems of precarization of employment of university teachers. The relevance of the topic is conditioned by the fact that this period of economic development of Russia requires special attention to the sphere of higher education, where the basic processes of formation of human capital are taking place. In this regard, the importance of the teaching staff of universities is repeatedly increased. Nevertheless, the ongoing processes, which testify to the precarious work of the teachers, call into question the possibility of realizing the tasks that the higher school of the country faces. Based on the analysis of the employment precariousness signs, the existence of these phenomena in the sphere of higher education is shown, which is manifested by the aggravation of such problems as underemployment, low wages, high labor intensity, and the lack of security of employment in the short term. The specifics of the precarious work of the teachers in terms of negative consequences for the education sector, society as a whole are shown. Based on the results of the analysis, the main directions of this problem solution at all levels of the higher education system are substantiated.
precarization, employment, labor, scientific and pedagogical works, higher education institutions.
В современном мире основным фактором социально-экономического развития общества выступает человеческий капитал, а, следовательно, инвестиции в развитие человека — его здоровье, образование, культуру, представляют собой капитальные вложения, поскольку способны приносить доход как каждому конкретному индивиду, так и обществу в целом.
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