Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modernization of higher professional education is proved by the need to increase its quality according to the requirements of a present stage of political and social and economic development of Russia. Federal state educational standards of the higher education (FSES HE) establish rather strict qualifi cation requirements to the faculty of higher education institutions. In this regard, as one of strategic problems of a number of the Russian leading universities (MSU, MGIMO, SFU, etc.), is formation and development of personnel potential. The professional standard “Teacher of Vocational Education, Professional Education and Further Professional Education” which has come into force on January 1, 2017 establishes requirements to education level, seniority and a profi le of education taking into account the taught disciplines. Authors analyze features of application and the problem of introduction of this standard in higher education institutions.

professional standards, qualifi cation of positions, teacher, labor functions, educational programs, professional education.

Сегодня на смену действующим нормативным документам в области регламентации требований к квалификации и трудовых функций работников (ЕКС и ЕТКС) приходят профессиональные стандарты, которые разрабатываются в соответствии с Правилами, утвержденными постановлением Правительства РФ от 22 января 2013 г. № 23 во исполнение нормы ст. 195 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации (далее — ТК РФ).


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2. Federal’nyy zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Federal Law of December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”]. Available at:

3. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva ot 27 iyunya 2016 g. № 584 «Ob osobennostyakh primeneniya professional’nykh standartov v chasti trebovaniy, obyazatel’nykh dlya primeneniya gosudarstvennymi vnebyudzhetnymi fondami Rossiyskoy Federatsii, gosudarstvennymi ili munitsipal’nymi uchrezhdeniyami, gosudarstvennymi ili munitsipal’nymi unitarnymi predpriyatiyami…» [Government Resolution No. 584 of June 27, 2016 “On the Specifics of Applying Professional Standards in Part of Requirements Mandatory for Application by the State Off-Budget Funds of the Russian Federation, State or Municipal Institutions, State or Municipal Unitary Enterprises ...”]. Available at:

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