Tambov, Tambov, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The purpose of this study is forwarding services, since at present transport largely determines the opportunities for development of national economies. The basic requirements on the market are the terms of delivery of goods: at the right time, in the right place, with certain consumer characteristics, in the required quantities. All this highlights the issue of freight forwarding service and choice of optimal method of delivery. In recent years, the latest practices and technologies for the delivery of goods, based on the method of integration of transport and logistics, on the development of the latest technologies in the field of informatics and communications, have been introduced into the economic practice of transport and forwarding enterprises and firms. As in other industries, the market for forwarding services has become a market for buyers. Therefore, it is extremely important for transport and forwarding enterprises to study and analyze the needs of society in all types of transport services in order to meet them. Thus, the successful operation of such enterprises is impossible without the active application of marketing research in their business processes. The modern freight transport market is characterized by a greater variety of forms of service. However, the reforms carried out in the country have not been lifted, but, rather, deepened the contradictions of a socio-economic nature. As a consequence, the problems of regulating transport activities are growing and becoming more complicated, as determined by such factors as insufficient attention of the state and local authorities to the problems of transport; lack of holistic coordination mechanism for management, combining elements of overall system management and operational regulation of transport. In a rapidly changing world, it is necessary to quickly respond to the constantly emerging new demands and requirements. This is especially true in the sphere of services. Therefore, transport and forwarding enterprises in order to remain successful and competitive need to effectively organize their activities and offer quality services.
transport, furniture production, freight forwarding services, outsourcing, freight.
Сейчас в нашей стране приблизительно 3,5 тысячи мебельных предприятий, которые заняты производственным корпусной, мягкой, кухонной, детской, офисной и других типов функциональной мебели. Предприятия мебельной промышленности осуществляют деятельность во всех экономических регионах страны.
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