Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the especially topical today problem of rise in crime among children and adolescents, and decrease in the age threshold of committing offenses. The results of a study conducted at the regional level based on the consolidation of efforts of various departments are disclosed. The causes of delinquency in childhood are indicated, pedagogical factors that positively influence the solution of the problem of prevention of neglect and offenses of younger schoolchildren are described.

educational process; personal achievements; the younger schoolboy; neglect; pedagogical conditions; the prevention of offenses.

Дети-сироты и так называемые социальные сироты воспитываются и социализируются преимущественно вне семьи и часто входят в «группы риска», которые характеризуются безнадзорностью и совершением правонарушений.


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