Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of the difficulties encountered by Russian students in applying the gained knowledge in solving practicaloriented mathematical problems, revealed as a result of international and domestic research. An approach is proposed for the implementation of the basic requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education - the formation of meta-subject learning outcomes. The analysis of the potential of the practice-oriented tasks used in the course of mastering the mathematics course of the primary school with the aim of achieving meta-subject learning outcomes is presented.

Federal state educational standard of primary general education; meta-subject results of learning; mathematics course in primary school; practice-oriented tasks.

Международные исследования продолжают выявлять одну из проблем современного отечественного школьного образования – трудности в применении учащимися тех знаний, которые они освоили в процессе обучения [7].


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2. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 1 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 1 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.

3. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 2 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 2 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.

4. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 3 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 3 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.

5. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Matematika: uchebnik dlya uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchrezhdeniy. 4 klass [Mathematics: a textbook for students of general education institutions. 4 class]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012.

6. Minaeva S.S., Roslova L.O., Rydze O.A. Programma po matematike dlya chetyrekhletney nachal’noy shkoly [A mathematics program for a four-year elementary school]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2011.

7. Rezul’taty mezhdunarodnogo issledovaniya TIMSS-2015. 4 klass [Results of the international study TIMSS-2015. 4 class]. Sayt Tsentra otsenki kachestva obrazovaniya. TIMSS [The site of the Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education. TIMSS]. Available at: (accessed 18 November 2017).

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