Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The guideline for the self-development of students today is declared by the leading educational documents of the Russian Federation, including: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “The Concept of the Federal Targeted Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020”, “The Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen” (2009), etc. The materials of the “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” indicate that today an important attention should be paid to the training in children the ability to make the right choice, the formation by children of positive life guides and plans, which is an indicator of self-development of the individual. The upbringing of a free personality, ready to bear responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and actions, are today important tasks of modern education. This target benchmark involves the realization of the subject’s position of the child and the construction of a cooperative relationship between the teacher and children. In the paper the author presents the results of studying the problem of self-development of the individual, which is relevant for modern pedagogical science and educational practice. The present study was carried out within the framework of M.I. Rozhkov, who regards self-development as the realization by the child of his own project of improving the qualities necessary for him, which seems especially urgent in modern sociocultural conditions. As a new idea for the implementation of pedagogical support for the self-development of children, a refl exive-value approach is suggested, within which the pedagogical support of the self-development of adolescents sets the task of shaping the child’s value meanings, and, on the basis of this, building a project of his life. We see the creation of children as self-development projects in the context of specially organized pedagogical support, methodologically based on the laws, principles and mechanisms of the refl exive-value approach. In this case, we are talking about the formation in the child of value meanings, on the basis of which the vision of the project of his life is built. The article presents the elements of the model of pedagogical support for the self-development of adolescents in supplementary education, realized in the context of a refl exive-value approach. The refl exive-value approach to the pedagogical support of students’ self-development can be fully realized in conditions of additional education and after-school activities in the school, since the educational environment organized in them provides the greatest pedagogical opportunities for children’s self-development, namely: voluntary, free choice of direction and type of activity, the content of its education, the volume and pace of its development; taking into account the individual needs of the child, subordination to the nature of the child; the adoption and protection of the individual interests of children; absence of strict regulation of the educational process; cooperation of children and adults; installation of individual experience in productive activities.

modernization of education, refl exive-value approach, self-development, pedagogical support, Federal state standards of basic general education, additional education, extracurricular activities, project of one’s own life, model of pedagogical support of adolescent self-development in supplementary education.

Характерной чертой современного этапа развития образования в Российской Федерации является ориентация на максимальную индивидуализацию образования ребенка, что отражено в содержании нового Федерального
государственного образовательного стандарта, социальном проекте развития личности, общества и государства «Наша новая школа», материалах Концепции модернизации российского образования до 2020 г., Стратегии развития воспитания в Российской Федерации на период до 2025 г., Национальной доктрине образования в РФ; Государственной программе «Развитие образования на 2013–2020 гг.»; Концепции развития дополнительного образования детей Российской Федерации (утв. постановлением Правительства РФ от 4 сентября 2014 г.), Национальной стратегии действий в интересах детей на 2012–2017 гг. (утв. Указом Президента РФ от 1 июня 2012 г. № 761) и других основополагающих образовательных документах РФ.


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