Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the main aspects of intellectual capital management in state and municipal authorities. The theoretical concepts and categories are adapted, which were developed to describe the processes of formation and development of intellectual capital in business organizations taking into account the specifi c characteristics of authorities. The article givesthe defi nition of intellectual capital in the state and municipal authorities, its structure is revealed. The concept of system of intellectual capital management in government by specifying its functions, subsystems, and procedural features is given. Special attention is paid to issues of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of intellectual capital in government. In the end, the author identifi es the main features of intellectual capital in the state and municipal authorities and underlines the need for targeted development in order to improve the effi ciency of government bodies.

state and municipal authorities, intellectual capital, types of intellectual capital, a system for managing intellectual capital, and the scientifi c organization of managerial work in government bodies.

В современной России остро стоит вопрос о повышении эффективности деятельности органов государственной и муниципальной власти. Планомерная оптимизация кадров, проявляющаяся в двух связанных аспектах (уменьшение числа служащих и сруктурная перстройка), не позволяет решить накопившиеся проблемы. 


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