Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article presents the results of the comprehensive sociological research devoted to branding and brand management of professional development obtained during the assessment (2015) of the procedure to measure individual andgroup imagery and symbolic concepts regarding personnel management (asanoccupation) via visual mediators. The research is basically devoted totheanalysis of geometric shapes images (traces) chosen by respondents (1,083persons) as those which they most clearly associate with personnel management. On the ground of psychogeometry interpretations of visual mediatorsbasic principles of personnel management in diff erent enterprises are defi ned, particularities of specifi c HR policies and procedures implementation in the public sector and commercial bodies are denoted. The conclusion and summary provide an insight into the role and signifi cance of factors and conditions which infl uence personnel management specialists’ professional identity formation, professional identity impact on national workforce capacity.
phenomenon of the symbolic, principles of association, individual and group imagery and symbolic concepts, professional identity.
В современный период деятельность по управлению персоналом признана профессиональной. Предметная область данной профессии такова, что ее относят к специальностям сложного управленческого профиля. Это обусловлено значительным возрастанием роли человека в современных видах деятельности.
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