Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article presents an author’s view on the problem of the formation of mathematical representations in children with speech defects that are taught in the primary school in the system of inclusive education. Modern realities are such that children with disabilities have the right to study in ordinary classes on a par with other younger schoolchildren, so the author considers specific changes in the process of organizing the education of special children, in particular – with speech defects, which the teacher must take into account when working in conditions of inclusion.
primary school; children with speech defects; inclusive education; teaching mathematics; formation of mathematical representations.
Сегодня наука располагает разными данными о количестве детей, имеющих всевозможные отклонения в состоянии здоровья. Согласно ряду исследований, доля таких детей в общем количестве младших школьников составляет до 90%.
1. Inklyuzivnoe obrazovanie. Nastol’naya kniga pedagoga, rabotayushchego s det’mi s OVZ [Inclusive education. The handbook of a teacher working with children with HIA]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2011. 167 p.
2. Nishcheva N.V. Razvitie matematicheskikh predstavleniy u doshkol’nikov s ONR (s 3 do 4 let) [Development of mathematical representations in pre-school children with OHR (from 3 to 4 years)]. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press Publ., 2009. 176 p. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/PFXTAW
3. Obshchaya kharakteristika detey s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya: infourok [General characteristics of children with disabilities: infurok]. Available at: https://infourok.ru/obschayaharakteristika-detey-s-ovz-655470.html (accessed 27 September 2017).
4. Fotekova T.A., Akhutina T.V. Diagnostika rechevykh narusheniy shkol’nikov s ispol’zovaniem neyropsikhologicheskikh metodov [Diagnosis of speech disorders of schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods]. Moscow, ARKTI Publ., 2002. 136 p. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/QRVENB