Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the work due to the fact that at the regional level was not sufficiently developed information-analytical system of interaction of labor markets and educational services as key elements of human resources in the economy. The article considers tendencies of development of the labour market and the vocational education system, the problems and conditions of their cooperation at the present stage. The author grouped the main elements of the information-analytical system of staffing of economy and analyzes how they are implemented in practice. The results of surveys of consumers of educational services market and labour market to assess the relevance of the Internet as a source of information are given. The necessity of the development of the Internet portal “Staffing of the regional economy” is justified, aimed at overcoming the informational deficit on the regional labour market through the provision of timely and accessible information on the balanced development of the labour market and the education system in a clear and user-friendly.

labor market, educational services market, personnel, region, informational-analytical system, Internet portal.

Сегодня одним из долгосрочных приоритетов социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации и ее субъектов является сбалансированное территориальное развитие страны, включающее достижение условий, позволяющих каждому региону иметь необходимые и достаточные ресурсы для обеспечения комплексного развития и повышения конкурентоспособности региональной экономики.


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