Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In this article, approaches to the study of the organizational and methodical aspects of certification of management personnel, the need for its use are considered. The importance for each enterprise and organization of the application of each of their methods and approaches is considered. The tasks of certification of management personnel are presented in detail, a number of difficulties are shown, which arise when using different methods of personnel assessment. The Technical Committee, which deals with the standardization of quality management systems, found that when using the standards from the 9000 series, there are already obvious shortcomings in them. The reasons that do not allow full use of the standards are considered. The advantages that an enterprise or organization receives are obtained by showing qualified personnel who have passed the certification provided that the certification is carried out by competent employees. Brief conclusions and ways of solving the problems described in this article are given.
certification, certification tasks, ISO standards, management personnel.
Общеизвестно, что качество рабочей силы в Российской Федерации не удовлетворяет условиям нынешнего рынка труда. Это неоднократно подчеркивали организации, задействованные в подборе персонала.
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