Vladivostok, Russian Federation
The article deals in details with innovative methods of recruitment, which are popular and effective these days, reveals positive and negative aspects of it, explains the essence and the methods of recruitment implementation in organization. This article explains and stresses the importance of using innovative methods for maintaining organizational competitiveness and for more comfortable and quicker research of qualified senior and middle-level managers. The author explains some situations on the labor market, addressed from both the employee side and the employer side, also defects the causes of popularization each models on Russian labor market. The article explains development trends of recruitment in Russia, justifies risks and perspectives of implementation and the organization greater use.
recruitment, innovation, human resource, organization, management.
В современном обществе любой организационной системе следует быть гибкой и функциональной, чтобы модифицироваться и развиваться совместно с рынком труда. Сегодня система управления персоналом по праву считается одной из самых гибких и адаптируемых к постоянно изменяющимся внешним условиям.
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