Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of studying the influence of the leader’s personality on the social and psychological climate remains relevant because of the psychologization of socioeconomic systems and their dependence on internal processes and personal attitudes. The formation of systematic knowledge on the issue of personal influence is primarily related to qualitative changes in the personnel management strategy of the Russian Federation. The changes are caused by reorganization measures, the need to improve the forms and methods of personnel management (of trade and logistics enterprises). The subject of scientific research interest became the identification of the connection of certain personal qualities of the manager, which are a reflection of professional competencies, the employees’ attitude and their perception of working conditions during the period of the company’s reorganization. The study involves eleven groups of employees, who work for the trade and logistics company of Yekaterinburg, which happened to go through the process of reorganization. The total number of respondents is 98 people. Each team has its own structural manager with at least 5 years of experience. It was found out that the groups of employees with favorable psychological climate and collegial management style are satisfied with their choice of profession, their working conditions, the evaluation of their effectiveness and the system of motivation, the relationship between colleagues. They also demonstrate confidence in their leaders and respect to their management style. The groups of employees with an unfavorable climate tend to demonstrate mistrust in and rejection of newcomers, acceptance of the opinion of their authoritarian leaders. Among the personal traits having negative influence on the socio-psychological climate are rudeness, unscrupulousness in work, indecisiveness, meticulous exactingness and faultfinding. The leaders are recommended to participate in coaching sessions for managers. Each group of workers is offered trainings with the aim to improve the team spirit.

leadership style, manager’s personality, socio-psychological climate, level of effectiveness, management, logistics.

Современные качественные изменения в системе розничной торговли нашей страны, обусловленные реорганизационными мероприятиями, носящими массовый характер, определили объективную потребность в совершенствовании форм и методов руководства персоналом торгово-логистических предприятий.


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