Surgut, Russian Federation
The article discusses a number of contradictions arising in the process of implementing professional standards in vocational education. The questions that should be answered in the process of this work are given. Discussion questions are provided. Excerpts of some documents are presented. An algorithm for implementation of standards in the educational organizations of professional education is given. The author considers a number of contradictions arising in the process of applying the standards. The experience Surgut State Pedagogical University in implementing professional standards is considered. The list of applied and sequence of actions in the implementation process standards are given. Features of the implementation process standard in teaching and non-teaching posts are considered. The necessary changes in the personnel documentation, employment contracts, job descriptions, staffing and other documents are considered. State the reasons for the postponement of the implementation of the standards in the teaching profession are indicated.
professional standards, qualifications, conflicts, discussion questions, standards for pedagogical and non-pedagogical positions, changes in personnel documentation, changes in remuneration, algorithm of implementation of professional standards.
В сфере труда Российской Федерации с 1 июля 2016 г. начата работа по внедрению профессиональных стандартов. Следует признать, что дискуссии по поводу профессиональных стандартов продолжаются. Они разворачиваются вокруг следующих вопросов: содержание стандарта как нормативного акта и его качество; несоответствие персонала требованиям профессионального стандарта и отсутствие финансирования на обучение; механизм применения профессиональных стандартов в регулировании трудовых отношений с работником.
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