Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the current characteristics of the training and retraining of personnel for small businesses. In times of crisis survive the organizations that managed to capture trend changes and quickly adapt to them, including through development of its strategy of work with personnel. In this regard, of practical interest are current directions of personnel work of small businesses. Analysis of practical results in this direction in the work of small businesses suggests that today, the domestic organization is often inefficient to implement in practice. This gives grounds to speak about the need to improve work with the staff of small business organizations.

small business, small enterprises, training and retraining of staff, strategy, strategic behavior, human resources, keeping training, innovative training.

Малый бизнес для России имеет неоценимое значение. Доля данного сектора экономики в ВВП страны составляет около 20% и во многом определяет состояние занятости населения России. Одна из важнейших проблем малого бизнеса в России сегодня – острая нехватка профессиональных кадров, обладающих необходимыми навыками организации и функционирования малых предпринимательских структур.


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